Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ollie Watch: August 20th, 2008

Batman and the Outsiders #10: Can anyone tell me if Ollie is still on this team? I haven't been keeping up with the series, and he's not on the cover. Makes me wonder...

Justice League of America vol. 2 #24: Join Black Canary and Animal as they team up with the rest of the JLA to fight a new villain for control of Vixen's Tantu Totem!


Geo said...

Ollie was an Outsider as of issue #9 so I don't see why he wouldn't be one in #10.

Anonymous said...

yep, he should be active.

Sea-of-Green said...

Adama, please forgive me, but you're being tagged. Per a meme from Fortress Keeper and Pillock: What's your favorite blog post, ever? Oh, and you gotta tag five other bloggers, too.

Please forgive me!

Luke said...

Ollie did not show up in Outsiders #10. Weird things are afoot for them, I think...