This time, we're focusing on the 25th Anniversary of the Super Powers line of action figures from Kenner. Green Arrow was featured in the second wave of this series, pictured below:

First, we have the cover:

On the second page, the story gets started...sort of:

but wait, The Flash is here after all! He was just outside parking the inevitable vehicle tie in...I mean Delta Probe One. :) We also learn that GA's award is made from a "Martian Power Gem." I have no idea where J'onn's been keeping that thing all these years...but its probably best not to ask! Unfortunately, the gem has drawn some unwanted attention:

The Flash comes in with reinforcements! Its a battle of the product placements, folks! The Delta Probe and Boulder Bomber fight it out with their included accessories, until GA intervenes again!

The mini comic was obviously an excuse for more product placement, but it was very well done regardless. It combines some of my favorite characters (GA, MM, and the New Gods) into a fun little package. I only wish I had a copy myself!
As part of the blog crossover, several of my fellow comic bloggers are also going over and reviewing the comics that came with their favorites characters. Please click on the links below and check it out!
- Aquaman Shrine- http://www.aquamanshrine.blogspot.com/
- Bat-Blog- http://www.tomztoyz.blogspot.com/
- Being Carter Hall- http://beingcarterhall.blogspot.com/
- SpeedForce- http://speedforce.org/
- Crimson Lightning- http://thefastestmanalive.blogspot.com/
- Love Dat Joker- http://lovedatjoker.livejournal.com/
- Justice League Detroit- http://justiceleaguedetroit.blogspot.com/
- Idol-Head of Diabolu - http://idol-head.blogspot.com/
- ... nurgh ... -http://nurgh.blogspot.com/
- Doom Patrol blog (Doug) - http://mygreatestadventure80.blogspot.com/
- Fortress of Baileytude- http://www.fortressofbaileytude.com/
- Firestorm Fan - http://firestormfan.com/
- Once Upon A Geek http://onceuponageek.com/
Mini-Comic scans courtesy of the Irredeemable Shag