I know this one is a little late guys, but GA had an AWESOME appearance on the new Batman: Brave and the Bold episode that aired last Friday. GA and Batman defeated an awesome looking Clock King. best of all, Batman's internal monologue revealed how much he respected our favorite fictional archer.
So, if you can catch a rerun or have it on DVR make sure ot check it out. Ollie will apparently be a najor recurring character on the show, so keep your eye out for future episodes as well!
Indeed, The Brave and the Bold was lots of fun and it was great to see Ollie in action side-by-side with Batman, even if it was brief. I'm really looking forward to his appearances in future episodes of the show!
Agreed, the show was great. Sooooo much better than "The Batman". Hopefully this one will stick around for more than two seasons.
The episode was spot-on perfect. I wasn't sold on the idea of te mini team-up to start each episode but it worked great in this one!
It wouldn't take much for it to be better than "The Batman," aka The "Trying-so-hard-to-be-hip-it-hurts-man." I haven't seen this yet, but color me interested. I especially want to see the Aquaman episode! I've seen their version of Clock King...gotta' say, I liked the B:TAS version better. Still, it will be great to see Ocean Master animated IN COSTUME!
Benton, I agree with you about the B:TAS Clock King... but he was a serious threat. The TB&TB Clock King was a goof, a Silver Age relic with a crazy costume and a Colonel Klink accent. That's the appeal of this guy.
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