Green Arrow/Black Canary #22: The citizens of Star City are still deaf following Discord's attack. Will Black Canary be able to defeat a man who can cancel out any sound? Meanwhile, Green Arrow continues to fight off the advances of Cupid, his insane stalker.
This issue begins the split between the Green Arrow and Black Canary titles. GA will still be the star of the book, drawn by none other than Bill Sienkiewicz! Black Canary will still be in the book, but as a back up feature, similar to the Booster Gold/Blue Beetle setup. The Black Canary feature will be written by Josef Rubenstein.
So how is the book since Winnick left? I loved Kevin Smith & Brad Meltzer's Green Arrow runs. However, shortly after Winnick took over I dropped the title - even though I love the character. Winnick bothered me that much.
Now that Winnick's long run on the book is over, is it any good? Just curious.
The Irredeemable Shag
Frankly in my opinion the book has spiraled out of control since Winnick left.
Kreisberg is clearly more comfortable writing formulaic television.
Suddenly all the Winnick bashers (of which I am NOT one) are realizing what they had.
If the PtB at DC don't do something soon this book will sadly end up getting canceled.
This has happened with every GA series. Due to editorial interference the book is damaged and then cancelled.
The Seinkeivictz inking is an improvement but the writing is the real issue!
If you left early in Winnick's run you missed some of the best GA work such as Road to Jericho etc...
Wow. That's a ringing endorsement for Winnick's GA. Maybe I'll have to go back and try some more. I enjoyed Winnick's Green Lantern, but not much else. Maybe GA was a good fit for him.
Sorry to hear about the current book. That's always a bummer when a book quickly goes downhill. Perhaps DC will wise up and get a good creative team on the book.
The Irredeemable Shag
@ shag: Yeah, the book seems kind of lost lately. i haven't really liked the whole "Cupid" arc, but it seems like she's sticking around, unfortunately. I also didn't like the way they unceremoniously killed off Brick, who until now had been a major supporting character in the previous series. Oh well.
This is what I get for not keeping up the review on this series.
Totally agree Adama, and the killing of Brick made no sense. So the guy can survive having an RPG fire directly at him and an ENTIRE building fall on him but not a single wrecking ball?
Seemed like a forced way to exert himself on the book.
Issue 23 was an imporvement. It is interesting how easily Mike Norton's pencils are overpowered by the inkers (even if it IS Bill S. !)
I wasn't given any more encouragement at SDCC where they said the "MArital Troubles will continue" Why do they feel the only way to write them is fighting all the time?
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